Phosbond-zxc ( Cold Zinc Phosphating) Chemical

Phosbond-zxc ( Cold Zinc Phosphating) Chemical

Product Details:


Phosbond-zxc ( Cold Zinc Phosphating) Chemical Price And Quantity

  • 40 Kilograms

Phosbond-zxc ( Cold Zinc Phosphating) Chemical Trade Information

  • Yes
  • Contact us for information regarding our sample policy
  • Delhi

Product Description


(Cold zinc phospating)


PHOSBOND-ZXC is an accelerated ambient temp. dip process for mild steel, galvanized and alloy steel, which produces a finesmooth Nickel & Manganese modified Zinc Phosphate coating.The crystalline layer has very good corrosion protecting properties and is an excellent foundation for subsequent painting or organiccoating.


COMPLETE PROCESS:                                                                                  

The complete process forapplication of PHOSBOND-ZXC solution normally consists of following steps:

4.1  COMPLETE PROCESS: The complete process for application of  PHOSBOND-ZXC solution normally consists of following steps:


2 BATH MAKE UP: Partially fill the tank with water add 5 lit. of PHOSBOND-ZXC  for every 100 litres of bath. Fill the bath upto its operating level with water and stir the solutions thoroughly. Add 30-40gms of ACCELERATOR crystals dissolved in cold water for every 100 litres of bath

3 OPERATION: The process treatment consists of immersing the substrate (properly cleaned) in the bath  for sufficient time to allow conversion of metal surface to a uniform coating. It may usually take 10minutes for this.

4 BATH MAINTENEANCE: During the operating of the process, sludge is formed as a by- product of the reaction.This sludge settles to the bottom of the tank and BATH should be periodically desludged and chemical concentration should be replenished by adding chemicalto achieve specified bath pointage.


All equipment for use with PHOSBOND-ZXC should be constructed of mild steel or SS which results inlonger tank life.


TOTAL  ACIDITY: Pipette 10ml. of Bath solution in a conical flask and add 4-5 drops  Phenolphthalein  indicator. Titrate against N/10 Sodium Hydroxide   until  color changes from colorless to pink. The number of ml. of N/10 NaOH added is the pointage of the bath. An addition of 180 ml.. of PHOSBOND-ZXC  per 100 lts. is required for one point lacking. Maintain pointage between 22-26 mls.

FREE ACIDITY: Pipette 10ml.of Bath solution in a conical flask and add 3-4 drops bromo phenol blue indicator. Titrate against N/ 10 Sodium Hydroxide until color changes from  yellow to blue. The number of ml. of N /10  NaOH added is the desired pointage.Maintain pointage between 1.0 -1.5 mls

ACCELERATOR TEST: It is imperative to add small quantities of Accelerator everyday before starting production. For best results, accelerator should be added regularly to the bath as a rate predetermined by work load. To test accelerator presence dip a piece of Starch Iodide paper in the bath. After some time, its color will indicate concentration of accelerator in the bath as under:

  1. White : No accelerator.
  2. Pale Mauve: Insufficient accelerator.
  3. Blue to dark blue : Correct Accelerator.
  4. Blue black : Excessive Accelerator.

 It is essential  to maintain correct amount of accelerator, excess accelerator in the bath causes sludge formation.

SAFETY MEASURES: PHOSBOND-ZXC is an acidic liquid compound, and while handling propercare should be taken. Protect eye ,skin by means of goggles ,aprons, glovesetc. It comes in contact with skin and eyes wash thoroughly with flush offwater and get medical advice.

Note:- The information in this technicaldata sheet is on our experience and tests which we beleive to be reliable,butchem coat india offer no guarantee and can not accept responsibility foroperation not under its direct control.


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